Akan David's Profile Photo

Akan David born 1993 is an enigmatic artist, and tutor currently residing in Lagos Nigeria. He Studied painting at the department of Fine and Industrial Arts, University of Uyo. An Exponent of Lucidism art movement, a member of the Bohemian Boston Cambridge art.

His works of art thrives on themes of African culture, spirituality, sensuality, myths, folklores and psychology. Although having multi-techniques in art he predominantly explores traditional painting using Sgraffito, Mixed media and chromolumism usually with heavy surface decorations.

Akan David’s art moves effortlessly between the material and Imaginative realm, inviting the viewers to move beyond their ordinary reality. He is a multidisciplinary artist with myriad creativity who is constantly experimenting and exploring new vistas in the arts.


I appreciate and value the art, which can tell a story. When this comes with technical Virtuosity and attention to details – this is what makes a truly valued art piece to me. A source of subject range from African folklore, mytholog, sensuality and personal feelings. I express all those in traditional art media and digital arts. Even if drawing is a kind of basis of my art, I very much like and successfully experiment with non-conventional use of traditional artistic media.